洪岩,男,工学、设计学博士,英国皇家艺术学会会士,中国科协青年托举人才,中国博士后国际交流计划引进人才,苏州大学优秀青年学者,现任苏州大学服装设计与工程系副主任、副教授、硕士研究生导师,江苏省高校可持续纺织材料与工程国际合作联合实验室执行主任,兼任中国纺织工程学会纺织工业人工智能专业委员会委员,中国纺织工程学会青年工作委员会委员,中国毛纺协会时尚与艺术委员会委员,中国服装数字化转型创新中心专家委员会委员,中国技术创业协会制造业创新创业工作委员会委员,《Industria Textila》、《Advanced Materials & Sustainable Manufacturing》编委(SCI期刊),《Sustainability》(SCI&SSCI双期刊)客座编委,《纺织学报》和《现代纺织技术》(中文核刊)青年编委,牛顿商学院EMBA导师,太原理工大学、常熟理工学院、上海杉达学院等高校兼职教授,鄂尔多斯集团、汇洁集团顾问。
主要研究方向为服装数字化设计与可持续设计,服装消费、营销与品牌策略,工业(服装)智能设计系统。先后主持欧盟地平线2020计划、国家自然科学基金等十余项科研项目,其中省部级以上项目8项,发表高水平论文近百篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在IEEE TII等国际高水平期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,授权专利4项。作为主要专家参与了《中国服装行业科技创新白皮书》、《中国可持续时尚消费人群调研报告》撰写。研究成果先后获得欧洲创新博览会金奖、罗马尼亚国家技术发明奖金奖、FLINS2016最佳论文奖。
在产业实践与合作方面,现任法国Carlin设计流行及品牌策划机构中国区代表。2014年受邀在香港时装周发布作品,2017年入选法国Maisons de Mode设计师孵化计划,连续三年受法国政府全额资助于巴黎时装周进行作品动态发布。其他动静态作品展出包括法国48H Maisons de Mode、拉脱维亚Riga时装周、南京旗袍博物馆、法国FashionTech Day、法国48HMaisons de Mode等。合作的品牌包括法国开云集团,法国香奈尔集团,法国LECTRA,法国Martin Grant、中国伊维斯等。设计作品曾被《时尚芭莎》、《时装》等国际媒体报道。
2022年至今 英国皇家艺术学会会士
2021年至今 中国科协青年人才托举工程
2018年-2021年 中国博士后国际交流计划引进项目
2017年至今 法国Maisons de Mode计划入选设计师
2017年至今 欧盟United Fashion成员
全球知识工程和决策支持中不确定信息建模大会 (FLINS 2016)最佳论文奖
欧洲创新博览会(European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation)金奖(2016年)
罗马尼亚国家发明研究院(National Institute of Inventics, Romania)金奖(2016年)
指导304永利先后获得全国高校数字艺术设计大赛(未来设计师NCDA大赛)、 江苏省互联网+大赛、“汇创青春”上海大304永利文化创意作品展示活动、“LILY商务时装·东华杯”中国大304永利服装立体裁剪设计大赛、东方杯·中国女装设计大赛、“南山智尚杯”中国正装设计大赛、江苏省服装院校304永利设计大赛等各类学科竞赛获省部级及以上奖项百余人次
《Fashion Introduction服装导论》(副主编,十三五规划教材)、
国家自然科学基金青年基金 (国家级、主持)(2019-2022)
中国博士后国际交流计划派出项目引进计划(省部级、主持) (2019-2021)
中国科协青年人才托举工程(国家级、主持) (2021-2024)
欧盟水平线2020 (参与)(2017-2020)
2014年度法国国家科技署开放课题 (参与) (2014-2018)
2017年度法国国家科技署开放课题 (参与) (2014-2018)
法国Chanel(香奈儿)公司1927古裙修复项目(主持) (2018-2019)
上海服装集团可持续时尚空间打造项目(主持) (2019-2020)
法国MartinGrant品牌升级项目(主持) (2018-2019)
法国新生奢侈品孵化计划(主持) (2018-2021)
拉脱维亚首都Riga时装周(主持) (2018-2021)
Martin Grant品牌升级项目(主持) (2019-2020)
1. Hong, Y., Zeng, X., Wang, Y., Bruniaux, P., & Chen, Y. (2018). CBCRS: An open case-based color recommendation system. Knowledge-Based Systems, 141, 113-128. (SCI一区TOP,IF: 8.038)
2. Y. Hong, T. Wu, X. Zeng, Y. Wang, W. Yang and Z. Pan. (2019). Knowledge-Based Open Performance Measurement System (KBO-PMS) for a Garment Product Development Process in Big Data Environment. IEEE Access, 7, 129910-129929. (SCI二区TOP,IF: 3.367)
3. Chen, L. L., Lou, L. Q., Liu, C. Y., & Hong, Y*. (2021). Color tunable luminescent cellulose acetate nanofibers functionalized by CuI-based complexes. Cellulose, 28(3), 1421-1430. (SCI二区TOP,IF: 5.044)
4. Hong, Y.; Liu, C.; Cao, X.; Chen, Y.; Chen, C.; Chen, Y.; Pan, Z. Process Evaluation of the Metal-Organic Frameworks for the Application of Personal Protective Equipment with Filtration Function. Polymers 2018, 10, 1386. (SCI三区,IF: 4.329)
5. Hong, Y., Zeng, X., Bruniaux, P., & Liu, K. (2017). Interactive virtual try-on based three-dimensional garment block design for disabled people of scoliosis type. Textile Research Journal, 87(10), 1261-1274. (SCI二区,IF: 1.82)
6. Hong, Y., Bruniaux, P., Zeng, X., Curteza, A., & Liu, K. (2018). Design and evaluation of personalized garment block for atypical morphology using the knowledge-supported virtual simulation method. Textile Research Journal, 88(15), 1721–1734. (SCI二区,IF: 1.82)
7. Hong, Y., Zeng, X., Bruniaux, P., Chen, Y., & Zhang, X. (2018). Development of a new knowledge-based fabric recommendation system by integrating the collaborative design process and multi-criteria decision support. Textile Research Journal, 88(23), 2682–2698. (SCI二区,IF: 1.82)
8. Hong, Y., Zeng, X., Bruniaux, P., Curteza, A., Stelian, M., & Chen, Y. (2018). Garment opening position evaluation using kinesiological analysis of dressing activities: case study of physically disabled people with scoliosis (PDPS). Textile Research Journal, 88(20), 2303–2318. (SCI二区,IF: 1.82)
9. Zhang, J., Zeng, X., Dong, M., & Hong, Y*. (2021). Garment recommendation in an e-shopping environment by using a Markov Chain and Complex Network integrated method. Textile Research Journal, 00405175211021442. (SCI二区,IF: 1.82)
10. Hong, Y., Bruniaux, P., Zeng, X., Liu, K., Curteza, A., & Chen, Y. (2018). Visual-simulation-based personalized garment block design method for physically disabled people with scoliosis (PDPS). Autex Research Journal, 18(1), 35-45. (SCI三区,IF: 1.375)
11. Abtew, M. A., Kumari, A., Babu, A., & Hong, Y. (2020). Statistical analysis of standard allowed minute on sewing efficiency in apparel industry. Autex Research Journal, 20(4), 359-365. (SCI三区,IF: 1.375)
12. Hong, Y., Bruniaux, P., Zeng, X., & Dong, M. (2017). Virtual reality-based collaborative design method for designing customized garment for disabled people with scoliosis. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 29(2), 226-237. (SCI四区,IF: 0.969)
13. Hong, Y., Zeng, X., Bruniaux, P., Liu, K., Chen Y., Framework of Consumer Perceived Value On Fashion Products For Female College Students In France. Industria Textila. 2018, 69(6), 495-501. (SCI四区,IF: 0.784)
14. Hong, Y., Zeng X, Bruniaux P, Liu K, Chen Y. Collaborative 3D-To-2D Tight-Fitting Garment Pattern Design Process for Scoliotic People. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe, 2017; 25, 5(125): 113-117. (SCI四区,IF: 1.045)
15. Hong, Y., Bruniaux, P., Zhang J., Liu K., Dong M., Chen Y. Application of 3D-TO-2D garment design for atypical morphology: a design case for physically disabled people with scoliosis. Industria Textila, 2018, 69(1), 59-64. (SCI四区,IF: 0.784)
16. Hong, Y., Chen, Y., Pan, ZJ., Chen, Y. (2020). A Conceptual Wearable Monitoring System for Physiological Indices and Clothing Microclimate Measurement. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 29(2), 226-237. (SCI四区,IF: 0.969)
17. Ling, X., Hong, Y.*, & Pan, Z. (2020). Development of a dress design knowledge base (DDKB) based on sensory evaluation and fuzzy logic. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology. (SCI四区,IF: 0.969)
18. Yu, F., Liu, C., Hong Y.*, Development of a hat style recognition system based on image processing and machine learning. Industria Textila. 2022, 73(2), 204-212. (SCI四区,IF: 0.784)
19. Abtew, M. A., Boussu, F., Bruniaux, P., & Hong, Y*. (2021). Dynamic Impact Surface Damage Analysis of 3D Woven Para-Aramid Armour Panels Using NDI Technique. Polymers, 13(6), 877. ((SCI三区,IF: 4.329))
20. Lili Chen, Yan Hong*. Research on the Application of Collaborative Learning in the Practice Teaching of Garment 3D Virtual Fitting. Industria Textila. 2022, 73(2), 113-120. (SCI四区,IF: 0.784)
21. Hong, Y., Xue, Z., Liu, C., & Dai, X. (2020). Development of Mask Design Knowledge Base Based on Sensory Evaluation and Fuzzy Logic. Autex Research Journal, 1. (SCI三区,IF: 1.375)
22. Chen, Y., Bruniaux, P., Sun, Y., & Hong, Y*. (2020). Modelization and identification of medical compression stocking: Part 2–3D interface pressure modelization. Textile Research Journal, 90(19-20), 2184-2197. (SCI二区,IF: 1.82)
23. Xie, X.; Hong, Y.*; Zeng, X.; Dai, X.; Wagner, M. A Systematic Literature Review for the Recycling and Reuse of Wasted Clothing. Sustainability, 2021, 13(24), 13732. (SCI三区&SSCI,IF: 3.251)
24. Lili Chen, Yan Hong*. Research on Experiment Teaching of Anthropometry and Virtual Clothing Design Based on Gagné Information Processing Theory. Industria Textila, 2022, 73(5), 471–478. (SCI四区,IF: 0.784)
25. Dai, X., Zeng, X., Liu, S., & Hong, Y*. (2022). Is skin pressure in load carriage over-evaluated?. Journal of Biomechanics, 130, 110854. (SCI二区,IF: 2.798)
26. Ling, X., Zhenyu, J., Hong, Y.*, & Pan, Z. (2022). Development of novel fashion design knowledge base by integrating conflict rule processing mechanism and its application in personalized fashion recommendations. Textile Research Journal, 00405175221129868. (SCI二区,IF: 1.82)
27. Wu, B., Xie, X., Ke, W., Bao, H., Duan, Z., Jin, Z., ... & Hong, Y*. (2022). Merchandising for Sustainable Fashion: A Systematic Literature Review. Sustainability, 14(20), 13422. (SCI三区&SSCI,IF: 3.251)
28. Bao, H., Hong, Y.*, Yan, T., Xie, X., & Zeng, X. (2023). A systematic review of biodegradable materials in the textile and apparel industry. The Journal of The Textile Institute, 1-20. (SCI四区,IF: 1.7)
29. Wei, L.; Wang, X.; Wang, T.; Duan, Z.; Hong, Y.*; He, X.; Huang, H. Recommendation Systems for the Metaverse. Blockchains 2023, 1, 19-33.
30.Tang, H., HONG, Y.*, LI, W., JIANG, C., & LIU, S. (2023). Consuming perception analysis of the yoga wear using fuzzy AHP model. Industria Textila, 74(3). (SCI四区,IF: 0.784)
31. Hu, J., Wang, P., Xue, J., Han, R., Xu, T., Hong, Y.*, & Yang, Y. (2023). The influence of hybrid effect on mechanical properties and acoustic performance of hybrid fiber wet-laid felts. Cellulose, 1-15. (SCI二区TOP,IF: 5.044)
32. Mao, H., & Hong, Y.*. (2023). Research on modelling and stability of seamless dust removal system based on generalized system. Industria Textila, 74(3), 337-345. (SCI四区,IF: 0.784)
33.洪岩,包惠颖,吴波.生物可降解材料在服装行业的应用现状及发展趋势[J].服装学报,2022,7(02):95-100. (中文核心,EI)
35. 张莉,许君,马大力,蒋蕾,洪岩.基于主观评价和熵权-TOPSIS的虚拟试衣软件评价[J].毛纺科技,2022,50(11):80-87.
2. Hong, Y., Zeng, X., Bruniaux, P., & Chen, Y. (2018, May). Evaluation of Fashion Design Using Artificial Intelligence Tools. In Artificial Intelligence for Fashion Industry in the Big Data Era. Springer, Cham. (DOI10.1007/978-981-13-0080-6_12)
[1] 洪岩,曹雪纯,白瑞生,吴佳毅,孙玉发.基于知识挖掘的服装款式个性化设计方法.中国,发明专利,专利号: ZL201910401552.6. 2023.
[2] 洪岩,刘春玉,薛哲彬,刘涵. 一种荧光纺织品及其制备方法.中国,发明专利,专利号:CN112796127A[P]. 2021.
[3] 洪岩,刘春玉.荧光纤维材料及其制备方法.中国,发明专利,专利号:ZL202110099739.2. 2020.
[4] 洪岩,陈丁丁,龚夏怡,鲁采菲,薛萧昱.一种多功能服装.中国,实用新型专利,专利号:ZL202022232808.6. 2021.
[5] 陈郁,洪岩,孔强龙. 一种基于三维人体扫描的腕骨平面自动搜寻方法.中国,发明专利,专利号:ZL201910681650.X. 2022.
电子邮箱: hongyan@suda.edu.cn